Aditi’s career began in the entertainment industry as an actor and model. Since then, she has integrated speaking, hosting, and content creation into her skillset. She has appeared in photoshoots, commercials, short films, web series and you may have spotted her on prime-time television.
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As a South Asian and as a woman, Aditi is deeply supportive of her community and takes joy in celebrating her culture on and off the mat. She is equally committed to supporting women - as a leader, friend, investor, and educator. She currently works with Startup Girl Foundation as a strategic advisor and is a member of the Aera Community of 10.
Aditi is passionate about fostering deep connections and empowering individuals to live authentically and to their full potential. She is available as a moderator and speaker for many different types of events, and has worked with many brands, including Women Impact Tech, IA Impact, Lexus, Microsoft, YSL, VM Ware, Island Records, and The Today Show.
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On camera and off, Aditi loves sharing her sense of style. How we present ourselves is one part of the story we tell ourselves and our worlds. Check out some of her favorite looks and products here.
When she’s not working, you can often find Aditi at concerts, festivals, and the theater. She loves live music, discovering new artists, and studying it herself. She grew up playing the violin and still goes to voice class every week.